Trouvé 102 synonymes dans 14 groupes
  1. 1
    Signification: encourage
    cheer hearten inspire inspirit animate fortify waken wake up
  1. 2
    Signification: urge
    drive inspire impel push
    persuade promote press prod
  2. 3
    Signification: hearten
    assure encourage inspire enthuse reassure
  3. 4
    Signification: influence
    bias persuade induce indoctrinate
    sway bend inspire predispose
  4. 5
    Signification: activity
    incite arouse provoke urge inspire
    induce cause goad prompt
  1. 6
    Signification: education
    inform instruct inspire inspirit
    enliven animate quicken teach
  2. 7
    Signification: assure
    reassure encourage inspire enthuse hearten
  3. 8
    Signification: sway
    affect bias direct control
    impress carry inspire influence
  4. 9
    Signification: cheer
    brighten delight exhilarate
    gladden inspire enliven
  5. 10
    Signification: instil
    imbue inspire ingrain indoctrinate
    implant fill steep infuse
  6. 11
    Signification: arouse
    inspire animate move electrify
    charge thrill awaken excite
  7. 12
    Signification: animate
    invigorate enliven encourage hearten
    inspirit motivate spur inspire
  8. 13
    Signification: be the cause of
    enkindle spark stimulate motivate inspire
  9. 14
    Signification: speech
    urge drive inspire impel
    persuade promote press push

ᐅ Tous les synonymes pour inspire | Définitions & mots similaires

Synonymes avant et après inspire

  • insolent
  • insoluble
  • insolvency
  • insolvent
  • insomnia
  • insouciant
  • inspect
  • inspection
  • inspector
  • inspiration
  • inspire
  • inspired
  • inspiring
  • inspirit
  • install
  • installation
  • installed
  • installment
  • instalment
  • instance
  • instant