Trouvé 206 synonymes dans 27 groupes
  1. 1
    Signification: free
    open unobstructed unencumbered unhindered unimpeded clear unfettered
  1. 2
    Signification: naked
    unclothed exposed bare nude
    open uncovered unsheltered stripped
  2. 3
    Signification: perceptible
    apparent discernible open
    visible manifest distinguishable
  3. 4
    Signification: uncover
    open bring to light disclose expose
    lay open muck-rake unveil
  4. 5
    Signification: admissible
    accessible permitted available allowable
    free public open unrestricted
  1. 6
    Signification: evident
    clear manifest open conspicuous
    plain obvious indisputable unmistakable
  2. 7
    Signification: familiar
    easy frank informal open
    free unconstrained unceremonious
  3. 8
    Signification: unblocked
    unlocked unbarred open unfastened
    cleared removed unsealed unbolted
  4. 9
    Signification: without protection
    open poor weak indefensible defenseless
  5. 10
    Signification: candid
    frank direct honest true straightforward open genuine
    sincere plain unvarnished unconcealed good openhearted
  6. 11
    Signification: agreeable
    amenable manageable docile pliable
    open tractable submissive responsive
  7. 12
    Signification: unclose
    unbar unlock clear admit
    open free loosen reopen
  8. 13
    Signification: perforated
    airy filigree open porous penetrable
  9. 14
    Signification: flower
    bud burgeon open flourish
    develop bloom thrive sprout
  10. 15
    Signification: frank
    straightforward candid guileless honest open
    overt sincere unequivocal veracious aboveboard
  11. 16
    Signification: apparent
    distinguishable discernible open
    visible manifest perceptible
  12. 17
    Signification: genuine
    real earnest natural unaffected heartfelt truthful candid
    sincere open direct guileless forthright unfeigned
  13. 18
    Signification: outspoken
    open unabashed explicit unashamed
  14. 19
    Signification: defenceless
    dismantled exposed open naked
    unguarded unprotected unarmed
  15. 20
    Signification: accessible
    obtainable convenient serviceable open
    available befitting at hand usable
  16. 21
    Signification: property
    unrestricted open accessible
    known free public
  17. 22
    Signification: debatable
    open disputable questionable undecided
    uncertain undetermined unsettled controversial
  18. 23
    Signification: outside
    open garden patio
    out-of-doors woods outdoors
  19. 24
    Signification: place
    outside external outer extrinsic exposed
    extraneous open out-of-doors out
  20. 25
    Signification: speech
    open candid frank outspoken
    plain honest fair round
  21. 26
    Signification: start
    activate inaugurate begin launch
    commence open kick off
  22. 27
    Signification: honest
    fair just virtuous upright
    equitable honourable open straight

Mots semblables à open

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Synonymes avant et après open

  • only
  • onomatopoeic
  • onset
  • onslaught
  • onus
  • onward
  • ooze
  • oozy
  • opalescent
  • opaque
  • open
  • open to applications
  • open up
  • open-air
  • open-end spanner
  • open-eyed
  • open-handed
  • open-handedness
  • open-hearted
  • open-minded
  • open-mindedness